These updates are designed to make your experience with Cosmos more intuitive and engaging.

🧭 All-New Sidebar: Facilitates seamless communication through channel messages, DMs, video calls, and more, tailored to everyone's needs.

Space: All controls and settings related to your space.

Conversations & Calendar: All your conversations and meetings in one place.

Channels: For async conversations and updates.

Users List: View user lists and perform actions quickly.

Your Controls: Access inputs, screen sharing, status, and settings effortlessly.

📹 Video Layouts and Native Chat: Perfect for hosting lectures, fireside chats, and panels with superior video and audio quality.

New Video Layouts: Choose from floating video in the map, video sidebar, gallery, or pinned videos.

720p Video Quality: Video quality now auto-increases to 720p in gallery mode or when you pin a video during a call.

Native Chat Experience: View and interact with chat channels alongside video calls. Whether you’re in gallery mode or focusing on a screen share, chat is always accessible.

🖥️ Improved Screen-Sharing Experience: Elevates collaboration, group learning, and meeting experiences within your community.

One-Click Screen Share: No need to choose quality every time; set defaults by hovering over the screen share option.

Screen Share shows along videos: Effortlessly switch between different screen shares from the video container.

Annotation: Change pen colours easily for better collaboration (available in the desktop app).

Pop-Out Experience: Collaborate easily with multiple screen shares and one-click switching between screens from the pop-out window. (available in the desktop app).

Screen Preview: Tucked away to minimise distractions. No more infinity mirror effect when viewing your own preview.

🛠️ Contextual Toolbar: Provides relevant controls for an excellent and easy-to -understand experience for guests and first-time students.

Your Controls: Manage inputs, screen share, raised hands, and your settings.

Conversation Controls: Handle conversation chat, move conversations, and invite people.

Room Controls: Lock rooms, record sessions, and set up timers.