We’ve spoken to hundreds of Cosmos super-users over the last few months. Before they went remote, they used to love going to a physical office - it allowed them to communicate fast, gain context on what was happening in the wider team, and have impromptu brainstorms. Sharing a space with their team meant bumping into each other, which led to casual conversations, and created a sense of belonging.
Since going remote, they've been using Cosmos as a Virtual HQ daily. This is because Cosmos allows them to experience the benefits of being in an office while being remote.
Be available and quickly ask questions
Walk up to others to ask a question without back-and-forth scheduling. Every conversation doesn't need to be a meeting
Know what is happening
Overhear conversations, have context on what others are working on, and jump into conversations
Sense of belonging
Talk with your teammates without reason, and discuss the last episode of friends or weather. Form lasting relationships with the people you spend the most time with.
How to introduce Cosmos to your team?
- Have regular meetings (such as standups) on Cosmos, after which the team naturally breaks into groups to discuss
- Set up daily co-working time in the calendar. Popular times are 10 am-12 pm & 2pm-4pm